310 W Smith St, Benton, IL • 618-218-5237

All Tennants Must Download, Complete, Print & Return A copy Of The Rental Agreement
Rental Agreement PDF

Submit Your Completed Rental Agreement Here

  1. Landlord is the owner of certain property at the above address. Landlord by this agreement hereby rents to Tenant the above numbered unit at the above location for the indicated rental upon the following terms and conditions:
  2. The legal relationship between the Tenant and Landlord is that of a tenant and landlord and not that of bailor and bailee.
  3. Tenant agrees that Landlord has no liability whatsoever for or on account of any injury to any property of Tenant or to Tenant at any time or for or on account of the destruction of any property at any time in said unit. Tenant’s use of the unit shall be solely at Tenant’s risk. Tenant agrees to purchase and carry such insurance as he or she desires for the property stored in the unit.
  4. Tenant agrees to refrain from the unattended use of any open‐flame or electrically‐powered heat or cooling devices such as, but not limited to: Air Conditioning Unit, Refrigerator, Furnace, Space Heater, Hot Water Heater, Block Heater or other major electrical device. Unapproved use will result in additional fees or termination of rental agreement.
  5. It is the responsibility of the tenant to ensure that all pressurized fuel systems are shut off before entering the storage facility.

Additional Rules & Guidelines

  1. Electric outlets are for trickle charging / maintenance purposes or for reasonable use while the tenant is on the premises. Unapproved connections resulting in prolonged high wattage draw will result in additional fees or termination of the rental agreement. 
  2. Tenant may not remove or replace the furnished combination lock. Loss or damage to the lock will result in an additional charge.
  3.  No individuals are allowed to access the storage bays without tennant being present as it relates (but not limited) to detailers, repair services, mechanics, etc without prior notice.